Video metadata & codec
Here are the injected metadata:
* creator
* metadatacreator
* hasKeyframes
* hasVideo
* hasAudio
* hasMetaData
* canSeekToEnd
* duration
* datasize
* videosize
* videocodecid
* audiosize
* audiocodecid
* audiosamplerate
* audiosamplesize
* stereo
* filesize
* lasttimestamp
* lastkeyframetimestamp
* lastkeyframelocation
* keyframes (filepositions, times)
* width
* height
* framerate
* videodatarate
* audiodatarate
Video formats are:
* avi
* mp4
* 3gp
* psp
* mpeg
* mpegts
* dvd
* flv
* svcd
* vcd
* vob
* asf
* mov
* rm
* mjpeg
* mpeg2video
* 3g2
video codecs are:
* mpeg4
* xvid
* flv
* h263
* mjpeg
* mpeg1video
* mpeg2video
* qtrle
* svq3
* wmv1
* wmv2
* huffyuv
* rv20
* h264
Audio codecs are:
* mp3
* mp2
* aac
* pcm
* amr_nb
* ac3
* vorbis
* flac
* pcm_u8
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